Name, Duration,
Location, Purpose


Admission Resignation Expulsion




General Assembly


The Board






Disciplinary Commission


Funds of the WCF


Annual Account and Budget


Changes of Statutes


Liquidation of the Federation



Statutes of the WCF World Cat Federation

9. Funds of the WCF
Article 32

The funds of the WCF consist of:


  • the annual membership fees paid by the clubs and organizations,
  • the fee for registration or renewal of cattery names,
  • the allowances, donations and other incoming funds.

The General Assembly decides the height of fees and charges in EURO.
Article 33

Each member is requested to provide the necessary information to the treasurer for setting up the fees and charges.


The annual fee has to be paid without any request until March 31st of the current year. Non-observance of this regulation will result in an immediate loss of the voting right for this member being in delay.


Upon request the board may permit deviations for members having difficulties to fulfil their financial duties.


All chargeable services of the WCF have to be paid immediately.